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Monday, May 7, 2012

By the Light of the Super Moon

Our Yard  During the Cinco De Mayo Supermoon
Saturday night Mother Nature provided a light show courtesy of what astronomers refer to as the "supermoon".   The moon was the closest to earth it will be all year.  I think I could have mowed  my yard with no problem, aside from the neighbors calling to ask what the heck I was doing mowing my yard at 9:38 pm when this picture was taken.

Though "lunatic" is derived from the word lunar, scientists now declare there is no relationship between a full moon and crazy behavior.  I'm not sure if law enforcement and emergency room personnel agree.  If the moon's gravitational effect can alter the ocean's tides and a human is 75% water, well . . . it doesn't seem all that far-fetched that it could affect behavior. 

When my wife was expecting our son we toured the birthing facilities of Kansas City's Menorah hospital, the hospital of choice of her Doctor.  The facility included four individual rooms for women in  labor.  "What do you do if all four rooms are full?" we asked.  "Never happened!" we were assured.

When my wife's water broke on Easter Sunday, 1981, I rushed her to Menorah hospital in midtown Kansas City.  Other than running 25 of the 27 stoplights on the way to the hospital,  I remember 2 things:

1.  It was a full moon: and

2.  All four birthing rooms were occupied.

So what did they do with my wife?  She had her very own bed in the hallway until, thankfully, a birthing room opened up a few hours later.  My grandmother's maiden name was Hall, so while more than a few babies in our family came OUT of a "Hall",  I believe our son would have been the first baby in our extended  family to have been born IN a hall.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I missed that moon, but maybe tonight will be almost as bright.
    Hey, in the hall would be better than in a car!
