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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Kindness of (Most) Strangers

I was in McAllister's Deli enjoying a sandwich and the best iced tea in the world today when an older model Ford drove up. The elderly female driver parked in a handicapped spot right outside the window where I sat. She got out, walked to the passenger side, and helped her husband out of the car. He was stooped over, walked on crippled feet with the aid of a cane, and wore a sling on his left shoulder.

When they entered the restaurant, two things happened. First, the staff greeted the couple like they were their long-lost friends; and second, I noticed the man's sling had come undone and served more as an adornment than a medical device.

As the man fumbled with his sling, an attractive lady behind him waited patiently and then sprang into action. At first I thought she was with the elderly couple because she cheerfully retied the sling and positioned it so that it supported the man's arm as intended. As it turned out, the woman was a complete stranger. After the man thanked her, she said something to the effect of "You're welcome! I do this all day at Capital Region Health Center so I feel right at home." With that, the woman placed her order to go, picked it up, got into her car and disappeared into the stream of cars on Missouri Boulevard. An unheralded angel of kindness with a pretty smile. I hope something good happens to her unexpectedly today.

Kindness Researcher Ray Dolin - Shooting Victim

Ray Dolin left his home in West Virginia last week to hitchhike across America and gather material for a book. He planned to call it "The Kindness of America." On Monday, Dolin had made it to Montana when he unexpectedly got some material for a new chapter - and possibly a new name - for his book. Here's what happened according to Valley County, Montana Sheriff Glen Meier:

"He was sitting down to have a little lunch, and this guy drives up. He thought he was going to give him a ride and as he approached the vehicle, the guy pulls out his weapon and shoots him. It's as simple as that.”

Dolin is expected to live, but he may want to consider a new name for his book. Maybe a new take on the 23rd Psalms: "Yea, When I Walk Through Valley County Montana, I Will Keep My Thumb Up and My Head Down."

Charles Lloyd Danielson III, was arrested in Montana for shooting hitchhiker  Ray Dolin
Accused Shooter Charles Lloyd Danielson III

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