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Friday, July 6, 2012

Though a string of 100 degree days can wear a little thin after awhile, doesn't it still beat freezing rain?

It's time to sit back and count the blessings of warm (OK, extremely warm) weather.

1.  No colds, flu or bronchitis.

2.  The furnace doesn't make that funny sound.

3.  Firewood lasts longer.

4.  No scraping ice off the windshield.

5.  Long days.

6.  Night sounds in the country - owls, coyotes, crickets, frogs,  neighbors.

7.  Summer Olympics

No Time Wasted Layering Clothing
8.  Farmers markets

9.  Watermelon and home-made ice cream

10. Swimming when the water is just right!

11. Coffee stays hot longer

12. Backyard BBQ's

13. The Chiefs and Rams still have a mathematical chance to make the Super Bowl.

14.  No need to layer clothing

15.  It doesn't matter if you can't afford a sauna.

16.  Road trips.

17. Outdoor exercise

18. AND, the St. Martin's picnic - this Sunday - everyone invited - $10 - As long as you keep eating it,  they keep bringing it, after which you work on reason #17 to love summer some more.  Follow this link for more picnic details:


What is the #1 reason YOU love summer?  Send an email to aboomer@embarqmail.com


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