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Saturday, February 2, 2013

We Are All One Phone Call From Our Knees

This week I have gotten several emails from friends checking on my well-being and/or wondering if their subscription to my blog had somehow been terminated.  In response:

1.      I’m fine;

2.      It hasn’t; and

3.      Thanks for noticing the blog has been dormant for a while!

My philosophy about the blog has always been to:

1.      Experience life;  and

2.      Write about what I have experienced or observed.

Without fail, road trips have consistently provided me with a treasure trove of things about which to write.  While most of them are good, February 1 marked 3 months since a phone call with the news my mom had passed away unexpectedly brought my last road trip to an abrupt end.  Since that phone call, I have experienced a lot of life.  In fact, it is amazing to me exactly how much life I have experienced as a result of a death.  Unfortunately, writing about that experience has been difficult for me. 

Since my mom’s death, my brother and I have:

1.      Moved our dad back to Springfield to live with his sister and her husband;

2.      Sold his house;

3.      Had ANOTHER auction to dispose of my dad’s excess possessions (though “excess” and “possessions” are two words my dad would NEVER combine).

4.      Dealt with all the red tape & minutiae involved when one life ends (my mom’s) and another that has been intertwined with it for 65+ years, my dad’s, is forever changed.   

If it is true that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” I should be pretty strong right now.   In my case, I suspect it might be more accurate to say that what didn’t kill me made me appreciate life, and those around me that make it worth living,  a whole lot more.   

It is time to end the blog drought – or constipation – depending on your opinion of the blog.  You can now expect either

A.     A refreshing shower of new blogs; or

B.      Blog constipation to be replaced with blog diarrhea.

It’s time for another road trip – the kind remembered for what one sees and not phone calls that bring you to your knees. 

Stay tuned.




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