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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ride, Ride, Ride the Occasionally Wild Trail

It is 53 degrees with an overcast sky as I type this blog. The wind is from the north, gusting to 35 mph. A chance of rain is forecast for this afternoon. Yesterday I took advantage of calm winds, a sunny sky, and temperatures in the low 60's to ride my bike from Jefferson City to Hartsburg on the Katy Trail.

After arriving in Hartsburg (10 miles in 48 minutes), I rested at a picnic table. As I soaked up some sun I observed my fellow travelers. One young couple was on a family adventure. A small child rode in a child seat on her moms bike while another rode comfortably in a covered trailer behind his dad's bike. "Do you think Enterprise would pick us up if I called and rented a car?" the weary dad asked to no one in particular.

A hardy 70'ish couple rode in from the west, dismounted, and unpacked a picnic lunch. As we talked, they dined on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

"Where you from?" I asked.

"Michigan" was the answer. They had spent the night in Jefferson City and planned to spend a couple of days exploring the trail in both directions. Each night they slept in a comfortable motel bed. As we talked, a young guy around 30 rode in from the east on a heavily-loaded bike.

His wife had dropped him off in St. Charles a couple of days earlier and he was riding the entire length of the trail - 240 miles. He'd spent the previous night in Hermann, a charming German-style village of bed-and-breakfasts, wineries and beer halls. Not that it mattered to him. He had not taken advantage of Hermann's lodging and German cuisine.

"I sleep beside the trail" he explained. "I prefer to find a cave, build a fire and relax" he added. "I carry everything I need. It only costs me about $40 for the entire trip".

"Your wife couldn't come?" I inquired.

"Nah, she wanted to but she couldn't get off work."

Yeah, I'll bet.

"You know, in the Lewis and Clark Journals they mentioned finding a den of rattlesnakes near Rocheport" I added helpfully. "Do snakes worry you?"

Undaunted, he said "Nah, I like snakes! They won't bother you. I wrap a mosquito netting around me so they can't get in my sleeping bag, but a Northern Water Snake got under my sleeping bag once".

"See many snakes on the trail so far?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw a big copperhead this morning! When it's chilly they like to lay on the trail because it's warmer. Saw a Massasauga rattlesnake on the trail once. They are pretty rare!" (Note: Nicknamed "Swamp Rattlers", they are indeed on Missouri's rare and endangered species list).

As I headed east, the guy got on his bike and prepared to continue west. "I'd like to make another 50 miles today" he said. My goal was considerably less aggressive. If I made it the 10 miles back to my car I would be perfectly happy. Then, as Lewis and Clark would say "We proceeded on".

I imagine today's leg of his trip will be more of a grind for the guy. Gusty winds, unless they are at your back, make for a difficult ride regardless of how fit you may be. Riding 10 mph into a 25 mph wind is the same as a 35 mph wind. Add cold temperatures and rain and it can make for a miserable day.

Unless you're from Michigan.

Probably still seems balmy to those folks.


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