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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More for Moore

That's Life in the Big City

The country song lyrics that philosophize "If I ain't got nuthin I got nuthin to lose" pretty well describe the attitude of the lady in the following news video.  I would describe her as "everybody's grandma".  Having just taken an unscheduled flight aboard an airborne toilet and finding herself covered in the debris of what used to be her home, she tells the reporter "That's life in the big city!"   Do yourself a favor and take a couple of minutes to watch this amazing video:


If you'd never before seen God perform a miracle on TV, now you have. 

The day after the tornado I watched NBC's Brian William's interview other area residents.  Scenes of incredible devastation and incredible heroism were intermingled.  "This ain't our first rodeo" said one cowboy as he described what people were doing to get through this crisis.   I was amazed and inspired by a comment Mr. Williams made near the end of broadcast:  "You may have to wait weeks for help from FEMA, but the Baptist men will be there in the morning".  To which I would add, and the Catholic men and the Methodist men and the Presbyterian men and the men from any area congregation that had the means to help out. 

A local Jefferson City church is collecting items to take to Oklahoma at the request of a church not far from where the tornado changed the landscape.  Concord Baptist Church is collecting the following items:

1. Bottled Water
2. Formula
3. Baby bottles
4. Diapers
5. Rakes
6. Tarps
7. Shovels
8. Work Gloves
9. Underwear
10. Socks (infant to 3x)
11. Soap, Shampoo, Toothpaste
12. Cash

At first I wondered about #9.  After giving it some thought, I realized that if I had gone through what the folks in Moore have gone through, I'd need new underwear too.

Items can be dropped off at Concord 8:30-4:30 Thursday and Friday, May 23-24, and from 8:30-12:30 on Saturday.  The items collected will be delivered to Moore next week and distributed to people in need, regardless of religion or lack thereof.   You can contact Concord at 893-2876 for more info.

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