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Thursday, July 20, 2017

Pedaling (and Sweating) Along the Katy Trail

At 6:30 yesterday morning I helped my friend, Tom, load his bike onto my truck and we headed for the Katy Trail.  The temperature was already 77 degrees and the humidity was near 100%.  We made one stop for coffee, but by 7:45 am we were pedaling west to Hartsburg, a little over 10 miles from the N. Jefferson Trailhead.

An Eagle Takes Flight
Along the Katy Trail
We biked less than a mile when Tom spotted a mama turkey and her chicks dining in a field adjacent to the trail.  Three miles later he spotted an eagle, and then another, perched in a tree beside the trail which follows the Missouri River for much of its 237 miles. 

Before we made it to Hartsburg, his alertness paid off once more.  “CAR!” he shouted as a vehicle approached the trail from a remote driveway as I pedaled single-mindedly ahead.  I hit the brakes and slid to a stop.  The car stopped as well and then motioned me on across the driveway. 

“After seeing all those other birds this morning I thought you were going to get run over by a Thunderbird” said Tom.

New Acquaintance Arlete
From Sacramento
At Hartsburg we rested.  Usually we can strike up a conversation with fellow bikers.  Two weeks ago I met a lady named Arlete from Sacramento, Cal.,  She was biking the length of the trail with two friends and blogging about it (arletelouise.com).  But all was quiet in Hartsburg yesterday. We made no new acquaintances, though we did renew one with the Hartsburg town beagle who stopped by to check on us.

On the return trip we stopped at some benches that overlook the river and watched a sand dredging operation for awhile.  The benches are only 4 miles from my truck so I drained my water bottle knowing I had plenty of hydration awaiting me.

Much of the Katy Trail from Jefferson City to Hartsburg is shaded in the morning, which helps offset the summer heat.  But the last four miles toward Jefferson City has its share of full sun and, with the temperature by then in the upper 80's, I arrived back at my truck dripping sweat.  While my wife hates to sweat, I love it!  Especially after a good workout.  I like to think it of a shower from the inside out.  It gives me an almost righteous feeling after a good workout.  In the shade back at the truck I had ice water, Gatorade, and fresh, perfectly ripe, juicy peaches.  Tom & I relaxed, rehydrated, and headed home. We had taken only pictures and memories and left only calories and prodigious sweat.
Tom Supervises a Sand Dredging
Operation From a Rest Stop
Along the Katy Trail

A new “rail-to-trail” is currently in various stages of construction across Missouri.  The Rock Island Trail will stretch over 200 miles across Missouri, crossing the Katy Trail twice.  47 miles is already open from Pleasant Hill, Mo. to Windsor, Mo.  Though it opened last December, it still has some work to go to bring it into prime condition.  Some day it will be a perfect complement to the Katy Trail.  Missouri was already named “Best Trails State” in 2013 by the national, not-for-profit organization American Trails.  

And it just keeps getting better!

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