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Monday, July 23, 2012

A Time to Run and a Time to Stand

Jason Holmes
In Colorado, cold, calculating killer Jason Holmes opened fire on a crowded theater.  Surprisingly, though Colorado issues "concealed carry" permits, not one person fired back.  The resulting bloodbath brought back images of the 1999 Columbine massacre.  If a couple of people had been legally carrying handguns in that theater, it's possible that lives might have been saved even though the killer was wearing head-to-toe body armor.   The armor might have stopped the bullets from penetrating Jason Holmes body but studies I have read say that it still hurts.  Depending on the caliber of bullet, the pain can range from a hornet sting to getting hit with a baseball bat.  I'm guessing for a coward like Jason Holmes, a few bullets coming back at him would have caused him to turn and run.  He obviously did not go there intending to die. 

A robbery in Florida had a much happier ending.  Two men burst into an internet cafe.  One had a gun.  The other had a baseball bat he used to smash a computer screen to get everyone's attention.  It worked.  He got the attention of 71-year-old Samuel Williams who was there with his wife.  You can see what happened next by watching the following video:


Davis Dawkins
Samuel "Do You Feel Lucky, Punk?" Williams in action
The would-be robbers were identified as Duwayne Henderson, 19, and Davis Dawkins, also 19.   Both men were wounded.  Henderson was shot in what Forrest Gump would refer to as his "butt-tock."    Said Henderson "The plan was to barge in, get the money, and leave.  I never expected anyone to be armed."   In Florida, robbers might want to revise that expectation.  Nearly 1 out of every 19 Florida residents can legally carry a concealed weapon, and that number is growing rapidly.   Samuel Williams showed he knew what to do when the need arose.  Henderson described what happened when Mr. Williams took offense at being robbed and calmly approached the robbers firing his weapon:  "I turned to run and my leg gave out.  That was when I got shot.  I hit the ground and he was still shooting.  I thought I was going to die.  But by the grace of God, my leg came back!  I ran!"
Duwayne "Feet, Don't Fail Me Now!" Henderson

Henderson and Dawkins, a former employee of the internet cafe, were both apprehended while receiving medical treatment and are now in jail.  The D.A. said he anticipates no charges will be filed against Mr. Williams.  
My only beef with this entire story is that numerous headlines referred to Mr. Williams as "elderly".   Though you can definitely see "elderly" from age 71, I believe Mr. Williams would take exception with being referred to as "elderly" at age 71. 

Based on his swift reaction to the hold-up, I think he also takes exception at being interrupted when he's forking over 25 cents a minute to use an internet cafe.

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