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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sheriff Andy Taylor to Fans - I'm 10-24 (Assignment Completed)

A friend of mine stopped by to see me this week.  She was concerned that people in her neighborhood were shooting off fireworks even though the grass is so dry that a spark from a lawnmower blade started a fire that burned 48 acres near Higdon earlier this week.  "Common sense ain't all that common these days" she said.  No argument from me on that.

A man known for his common sense, albeit on the TV screen, died today.  Andy Griffith, best known as Sheriff Andy Taylor on The Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968) passed away this morning.  As a tribute to Andy I have compiled a few of my favorite dialogue's from his show.

Andy & Barney discussing personal finance:

Barney:  The last big buy was my mom's and dad's anniversary present.
Andy:  What'd ya get 'em?
Barney: A septic tank.
Andy: For their anniversary?
Barney:  They're awful hard to buy for.   Besides, it was something they could use. They were really thrilled. It had two tons of concrete in it. All steel reinforced.
Andy:  You're a fine son, Barn.

Aunt Bee to Andy:

Aunt Bee: Did you like the white beans you had for supper?
Andy: Uh huh.
Aunt Bee: Well, you didn't say anything.
Andy: Well, I ate four bowls. If that ain't a tribute to white beans, I don't know what is.
Aunt Bee: Well...
Andy: Eating speaks louder than words.
Aunt Bee: You know, your education was worth every penny of it.

Andy and Barney discussing the opposite sex:

Barney: Nice guys finish last. I know, I went through it. Little Vickie Harms. I wasn't no bigger than Opie. I met her over by the ice cream parlor. Stepped outside one day with my raspberry snow cone, there she was. She just stopped me cold. Head to foot, I was just clammy all over. I knew it was love. Icy chills just run all over me.
Andy: Sounds to me more like your snow cone was leaking.
Barney: Boy I sure did like her.
Andy: She didn't like you back, huh?
Barney: Oh well no, it wasn't that so much. I don't know. It was mostly her stuck up attitude.
Andy: Yeah?
Barney: She used to walk around in long curls and print dresses and patented leather shoes and her nose up in the air. Boy she really thought she was hot stuff.
Andy: Why?
Barney: Oh her Daddy was in the civil service. Boy if I knew then what I know now. She used to do one thing that really used to burn me up.
Andy: What was that.
Barney: Well you know how I like snow cones...
Andy: Raspberry.
Barney: Right. Well there wasn't a day went by that I didn't offer that girl a bite of my snow cone. You know what she used to do every single time?
Andy: What?
Barney: She used to bite off the end, sip out all the syrup, and leave me with nothing but the ice.
Andy: The ice?
Barney: Yeah, the ice.
Andy: That's terrible.
Barney: Yeah.
Andy: Today you'd know different.
Barney: Oh are you kidding. Listen if I had a date with Vickie Harms today, and I got myself all shaved, and I went over to her house with my snow cone, you know what I'd do?
Andy: What?
Barney: The minute she opened that door, I’d bite off the end of the cone, sip out the syrup, and hand her the ice. What do you think of that?
Andy: Well I'll tell you the truth, Barn. If I was Vickie Harms and a thirty-five year old man come up to my house with a snow cone in his hand, I wouldn't even answer the door.

Andy discussing the wisdom of the ages with Floyd, the barber:

Floyd, the barber: You know, everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it. Calvin Coolidge said that.
Andy  No, Floyd, that wasn't Calvin Coolidge that said that, it was Mark Twain.
Floyd: Then what did Calvin Coolidge say?

Note:  I think he said "common sense ain't all that common."

If The Andy Griffith Show was reproduced today the episodes would have to deal with different subjects.  Maybe, "Andy deals with the Occupy Mayberry protestors", or "Barney gets in trouble for arresting undocumented immigrants."    It would be interesting to see how Sheriff Taylor handled those situations with wisdom and common sense.  I don't look for that to happen soon.  Like Barney said, " "They don't do things that way anymore. This is the Age of Science Know-How, electronal marvels."

Here is a song for you to start your July 4th holiday - the Andy Griffith Show theme song - sung by Andy Griffith himself.  I've probably watched every episode of that show and I honestly didn't know the theme song even had words.


R.I.P. Andy Griffith (June 1, 1926 - July 3, 2012)

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